Thursday, November 2, 2017

Over the past few days, we have met with the City of Santa Rosa and Petaluma Public Services groups and the Red Cross to discuss temporary housing for those displaced by the  fires in October 2017.  Thus far, two RV storage yards have cooperated with us by contacting owners to determine whether or not they will loan their RVs for one to three months for use by the displaced fire victims. Fortunately fifteen RV owners have agreed to loan their vehicles. That makes a total of twenty-five RVs ready for use.

Both Cities of Santa Rosa and Petaluma are donating storage yards where the RVs can be stored.  Fortunately, there a showers, running water and toilets at each facility. The Red Cross is coordinating the selection of which families will use the RVs based on need.

We'll continue to contact other RV storage yards to obtain as many RV units we can.  Below are photos of typical RV storage facilities.  There's over sixty such facilities in Sonoma county alone. We're working with a separate group who's addressing the needs in Napa Valley

Small steps, however, we're building momentum!