Monday, June 12, 2017

Early organic, vegan lunch consisting of baby romaine lettuce, diced tomatoes, sprouted chickpeas, kimchi, sauerkraut, pickled avocado slices, vegan cheese shreds and a lemon herb dressing. All homemade with the exception of baby romaine lettuce that I purchased from the farmers market. And, two glasses of watermelon, mint and lemon kombucha.

by Lao Tzu  (604-531 BCE)

Beauty and ugliness have one origin.
Name beauty, and ugliness is.
Recognizing virtue recognizes evil.

Is and is not produce one another.
The difficult is born in the easy,
long is defined by short, the high by the low.
Instrument and voice achieve one harmony.
Before and after have places.

That is why the sage can act without effort
and teach without words,
nurture things without possessing them,
and accomplish things without expecting merit:

only one who makes no attempt to possess it
cannot lose it.
Excerpted from: The Poetry of Zen
translated & edited by 
Sam Hamill & J. P. Seaton