Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Spent the day relaxing after all the noise and confusion of a holiday weekend. The fireworks were spectacular, and the shops and craft fairs were full of people.  A very business weekend, and, hopefully, successful for all the small businesses who rely on holiday and summer vacationers.

I woke early and walked the beach as the sun rose. Very quiet, only a few fellow walkers, with their very happy dogs running up and down the beach and into the surf. I'll return tomorrow; it should be even quieter.

Spent the rest of the day preparing food for fermentation. Fermented food has become a big part of my culinary diet: and that includes sauerkraut (of varying kinds, flavors and spices), fruits, asparagus, cucumbers, spring onions, squash and many other vegetables.  It's relatively simple to do so; I obtained most of my knowledge through this cookbook, Fermented Vegetables, and their website,

Today, I fermented and pickled asparagus, spring onions, cucumbers and squash, and made celery "pudding". a fermented celery mixture combined with fresh sage and thyme (I have a small garden next to my THOW). The scent would be familiar to anyone: think of vegetable stuffing.  In a couple of weeks, I'll have a feast, Plus, I'll be adding new fermented food as the farmer's markets bring new vegetables weekly.

Here are some other photos of the Oregon coast and woodlands.

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